
01〈2024 전통문화 혁신이용권 공급기업 공모〉4차 (2024 Traditional Culture Voucher Contest)
022024 문화역서울284 기획전시《생명광시곡, 김병종》(The Rhapsody of Life: A Half-Century Art Archive of Kim Byung-Jong)
03한지가헌 두번째 기획전시 《사유의 자리 - A Site of Thought》
04공공디자인페스티벌 2024(Public Design Festival 2024)
01〈2024 전통문화 혁신이용권 공급기업 공모〉4차 (2024 Traditional Culture Voucher Contest)
022024 문화역서울284 기획전시《생명광시곡, 김병종》(The Rhapsody of Life: A Half-Century Art Archive of Kim Byung-Jong)
03한지가헌 두번째 기획전시 《사유의 자리 - A Site of Thought》
04공공디자인페스티벌 2024(Public Design Festival 2024)


You can check out the facilities operated by the Korea Craft & Design Foundation.
KCDF Gallery

The KCDF Gallery seeks to add a sense of tradition and modernity into crafts and expand the beauty of crafts into arts.

Culture Station Seoul 284

CultureStationSeoul284 is a modern piece of architecture and cultural asset that has kept its place since 1925.

Hanji House

Hanji House was established to publicize the excellence of Hanji, a traditional Korean paper, and to expand its use.

Hanbok Workshop

Hanbok Workshop was created as an educational space to strengthen the capabilities of Hanbok practitioners and support creative activities.